Thursday 31 May 2012

Skills learned in This Unit

The additional technical skills that i grab from this unit is mainly;

- Working with the pro tools, using protools short cut and using the D-Command desks to do mixing in surround environments.
- Working with compressors and equalizers. and the effect processor the M3000.
- Decision making in placement of the audio in surround environments.
- Sound gathering technique.
- Foley acting skills.

Additional Knowledge from this unit
- Sound design for Film production.
- History of Sound design
- History of Film and sound industry.
- Dolby and Dts

i personally enjoy this class very much. it improves my technical production skills and prepares me to be a great sound designer.

Articel Review

Article title: The Compressor's Secrets
Link : Compressor Secrets

Article Summary

In the article “The Compressor's Secrets” by DAVID MELLOR , covers the main important technique on using the compressors for signal gain reduction, such as how threshold affect the signal reduction and the amount of release and attack time applied to get the best result of signal reduction.

He mentioned that by setting the threshold will always makes the sound worse. One of the worth trying technique that he introduce is by using the EQ in side chain compression to allow the different frequency bands to control the amount of compression applied.

Article comments:

This article is well organized by using headings for each section covered. the article is well explained in a manner that makes the sound engineer who has previously works with the compressors understands what this article try to express.

However , this article is hard for the starter or for those who have never experienced using the compressor before to understand the terms introduced in this article. in addition, there are no image or figures that related to each topics explained in each sections.


This article is worth reading for those who are currently working with the compressor and trying to get a perfect sound and trying new technique.

it is recommended for future publish of another article , to include the explanation of what compressor is , how should it be used and when it will be used before getting into the details part of introducing the new techniques and the real world of using the compressor.

Sound Design for MUS399 Final Project Surround Sound 5.1

For the Surround Sound 5.1 Project, i planned into several stage of processes.

First Stage: Choose 3 Minutes scene of any movies.
- watch several movies and choose the one that i am able to design the whole sound for it.
- so the movie chosen was the Terminator 3: Raise of the Machines directed by Jonathan Mostow . 
- list down any sound that i have on mind for that scene.

Second Stage: Sound Gathering
- Most of the sounds i gathered were all natural from around Charles Darwin University, Casuarina Shopping Center,some of the local resident in Karama and my house in Nightcliff .
- Field recording devices used were: Marantz PMD660 , AKG300 with CK-91 Head, Mic Cable and Headphone.
-The sounds i gathered consists of : Falling Bricks, Door Slams, Room with air conditioning on , Metal rubbish bin,  Elevator sliding door and up down movements , breaking the ceramic pots, breaking the Extra Dry Beer bottle, Deodorant spray , electric shaver, falling plastic container filled with books and other small stuff, spanner, water spills from toilet tab, metal flag pole, electric neon light ball, foot steps, hitting the couch and other air conditioned room sound.

Third Stage: Sound Audition and Sound Editing
-I started with the Stereo 2.0 by using Pro tools 8 and Mbox2 to audit and edit the sound.
-Listen to each sound, decide which part of the scene will this sound perfectly sit.
-Rename each sound, apply cutting , trim and place them on the scene.
-Apply Audio Suit features such as Stretch, reverse , pitch down or up, compression , filter Eq, to some sound that need instant effects.
-clean up the audio
-Audition and  final edit on the sound to be sync with the picture.

Fourth Stage: Mixing on 5.1 Surround Sound
-Transform the 2.0 to 5.1 Surround Sound.
-Decide the track output routing.
-Apply Filter Eq, Eq , compression , Reverb on each track.
-Distribute and place each sound on the space (panning).
-Apply level and mix with other sound to get the best result.

Final Stage: Refine Final Mix and Bounce to disc
-Final Mix audition,
-Refine the Mix by apply levels, effects.
-Final Audition.
-Bounce to Disk.
-Create DVD.